Como es usual en la música que publica Sacred Bones lo que escuchamos acá nos remite al pasado, hacia un sonido cuyo cenit sucedió hace varios calendarios. Si en el caso de The Holydrug Couple o Föllakzoid la nostalgia es por los sonidos de la psicodelia de vieja escuela -años 60 o 70-, en Lust For Youth está clarísimo que Hannes Norrvide tiene la mente perdida en la década de los 80. Específicamente en el limbo de las sonoridades dark wave ala Clan Of Xymox, Rema Rema, Malaria!, etc.
De cualquier forma el ingenio de Norrvide se las arregla para salir un poco de ese trillado esquema flirteando también con ambientes propios de la escena industrial de fines de los 70: Throbbing Gristle, Einstürzende Neubauten, Cabaret Voltaire, et. al.
El álbum es parejo y conciso: 38 minutos en total. La sugestiva voz del sueco colorea eficientemente las canciones en las que aparece: notables "Breaking Silence" y "I Found Love". El equipamiento usado quizás tenga mucho que ver con el sonido oldie/ochentero que discurre por todos los rincones de este artefacto: un viejo teclado Casio.
El target al que se dirige Lust For Youth -"alegría/deseo de juventud"- son aquellos chicos y chicas nostálgicos por una época que quizás no vivieron pero cuya parafernalia discotequera e Industria Cultural los ha cautivado con sus peinados, maquillajes, fashionismo, etc. Al escuchar "Perfect View" con atención es fácil equivocarse y pensar que estamos vibrando, bailando en la fiesta de fin de semana de algún momento de 1984, vestidos de negro y solos con la pared. Como diría Maldoror: I still exist...
Wilder Gonzales Agreda.
Finally the label Sacred Bones releases something that motivates my interest -Pharmakon was extremely unpleasant but there's everything for all in this planet. This is about the project Lust For Youth whose person in charge is not other but Hannes Norrvide, a restless Swedish whom, I have understood, has signed already 2 albums under this alias.
As usual in the music that Sacred Bones puts out what we listen here sends us to the past, towards a sound which zenith has happened several calendars ago. Whether in the case of The Holydrug Couple or Föllakzoid the nostalgia is for the sounds of the old school psychedelia -years 1960's or 70's-, in Lust For Youth it is very clear that Hannes Norrvide has the mind lost on the decade of the 80's. Specifically in the limbo of the dark wave sonorities ala Clan Of Xymox, Rema Rema, Malaria!, etc.
Anyways Norrvide's ingenuity arranges to go out a bit of this overused scheme flirting also with ambiences characteristic of the industrial scene of the late 1970's: Throbbing Gristle, Einstürzende Neubauten, Cabaret Voltaire, et. al.
The album is all-the-same-level and concise: 38 minutes in total. The suggestive voice of the Swedish musician colors efficiently the songs in which it appears: notables "Breaking Silence" and "I Found Love". The equipment used probably has much to do with the oldie/eightie sound that passes for all the corners of this artifact: an old Casio keyboard.
The target to which Lust For Youth goes are those boys and girls nostalgic for an epoch that probably they didn't live but whose discotheque's paraphernalia and Cultural Industry has captivated them with his hairstyles, makeups, fashionism, etc. When one listens to "Perfect View" with attention is easy to mistake and to think that we are vibrating dancing in the weekend party of some moment of 1984, dressed in black and alone with the wall. As Maldoror would say: I still exist...
Wilder Gonzales Agreda.
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